Inclusion & Diversity Forum
Elaenore Fom BSc (Hons) AssocRICS Operational Surveyor, e.surv
The forum is supported by an Executive Sponsor, Debra Gardner.
The Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) Forum is a voluntary, representative body of colleagues from the LSL Group. Looking to find new ways of working together that recognise, celebrate, and respect diversity, to help create a more inclusive culture; for the benefit of our business, our people and the communities we operate in.
Our priorities:
- To continue to support the development and delivery of Group HR inclusion and diversity training;
- To increase colleague engagement and awareness of our diversity; and
- To consult on updates and the introduction of colleague policies and processes, to ensure that they promote and support inclusion and diversity.
Our Race Action Plan:
We have launched the LSL Race Action Plan, as a signatory of the Change the Race Ratio, to set out how we will recognise, celebrate and respect diversity within our businesses. It follows close liaison with forum members and our senior management team and includes commitments we have already launched in our Living Responsibly Report. We want to create a more inclusive culture – where all colleagues can thrive and where there is no discrimination – and the Plan will help us to do this. The Plan can be found here.
Our Religious Festival and Events Calendar:
We want to make everyone feel included within LSL and, as part of this, ensure colleagues can celebrate religious or cultural events that mean a lot to them. To support this the Inclusion & Diversity Forum has created a special religious festival and events calendar to highlight dates that our colleagues may want to celebrate this year. This may also help us when booking meetings or appointments with others - externally - who may recognise these events and who would prefer not to be contacted on these special dates.
The calendar focuses on the major festivals/days of observance for the six biggest religions in the UK, according to the last census, with information taken from publicly available information. We know, however, that we may have missed some and would welcome any suggested dates to add. Simply email our I&D Chair, Elaenore Fom, via with any dates you suggest.
The calendar can be found here.
Our Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) Calendar:
The Inclusion and Diversity Forum has created a special I&D Calendar, with the support of the LSL Colleague Engagement Forum and LSL Communities Forum, to help us mark significant days and holidays for colleagues.
The calendar will be updated as more dates become known and is available here.
Please feel free to share your ideas and thoughts via Elaenore at
Latest news:
World Childless Week; 16 – 22 September 2024.
To demonstrate its commitment to make all colleagues within LSL feel included, no matter what their personal circumstances, the Inclusion & Diversity Forum is supporting World Childless Week.
The event aims to raise awareness of the childless not by choice (cnbc) community and enable every childless person to share their story with confidence.
The idea to celebrate it came from an LSL colleague. In support the Forum is making information available across the LSL Group as well as highlighting the experiences of one childless couple to provide valuable insight into what has helped them - and how others might learn from this.
By raising awareness of the event the Forum hopes to encourage more inclusive discussion, provide support for those who are grieving childlessness or who may feel excluded – it’s part of its ongoing aim to help create a more inclusive culture within LSL – for the benefit of our business, our people and the communities we operate in.
Congratulations Joanna
The Inclusion & Diversity Forum is delighted to announce the appointment of Joanna Purdy as our new Deputy Chair following an internal request for applications. Joanna has worked within LSL for nearly three years and is looking forward to working with fellow forum members and more collaboratively with colleagues to drive inclusion and diversity across the Group; drawing on her personal and professional experiences to do this.
We wish Joanna every success as she takes on this important role to help us recognise, celebrate and respect diversity within LSL – and create a more inclusive culture. Congratulations Joanna.
Joanna replaces Kam Toora who, after two years, decided to step down from the role yet will continue to play an active role as a forum member and Ambassador for the Cultural Voices Network. We thank Kam for all his hard work as Deputy Chair and for his ongoing commitment and contribution to the forum.
International Women’s Day
Recently LSL colleagues celebrated International Women’s Day. They were encouraged by the Inclusion & Diversity Forum (and our Gender Voices network) to support this year’s theme to Inspire Inclusion and there was also a great focus on the day by our financial services brand, PRIMIS. They interviewed some key women across the business and, amongst other questions, asked what inclusion means to them and how it feels to operate in such a male dominated industry. You can read the blog here.
Overall, the day provided a great opportunity for colleagues to share their thoughts on inclusion and for the forum to continue to create a more inclusive culture within the Group – where everyone can thrive.
Welcome to Elaenore
We are delighted to welcome our new Chair, Elaenore Fom, following an internal request for applications for the role.
Elaenore has been a very active member of the forum since its inception; contributing significantly to the forum’s discussion and more recently establishing herself as the Co-Chair of LSL Culture Voices, alongside fellow forum member, Kam Toora.
We offer Elaenore our sincere congratulations and wish her every success in this important and exciting role.
Elaenore commented: “'I am very honoured to pick up the baton and continue the hard work and commitment of our previous Chair and forum members. I look forward to working with the different parts of the business and making a positive impact.'
LSL Voices launch, with colleague webinar
The official launch of LSL Voices, our Colleague Networks, was celebrated recently with a special webinar that colleagues from across the Group attended.
Kevin Keane, the Chair of the Inclusion & Diversity Forum, highlighted how colleague conversations have already led to positive changes within LSL. It was also explained how LSL Voices will work and the benefits they are expected to bring; all helping us to build an inclusive culture where colleagues are supported to thrive.
A great event, with thought provoking conversation, and the anticipation of much more to come in the future.
Inclusion & Diversity Training
Members of the Inclusion & Diversity Forum have worked in close collaboration with the LSL HR Team to create some inspiring Inclusion & Diversity training modules with the help of a specialist training provider.
Colleagues are now actively using them to gain a better understanding of the importance of inclusion and diversity in the workplace – with more modules being released soon. It’s all part of our Living Responsibly Strategy to promote inclusion and diversity in our workforce
Our Forum members:
- Alex Beckett – 2nd Line Support Engineer, PRIMIS
Alexandra Ferran - Marketing Executive, PRIMIS
- Elaenore Fom - Operational Surveyor, e.surv
- Karen Kent - Technical Partner Learning & Development, e.surv
- Anjli Kotak - Operations Manager, e.surv
- Kerry Love – Office Manager, PRIMIS
- Melanie Maltby - PR & Communications Manager, LSL
- Joanna Purdy - Senior Area Supervision Manager, PRIMIS
- Shane Ross - Head of Risk & Audit, e.surv
Rinku Shukla, Brand Manager, LSL Land & New Homes
- Daniel Wraith - Head of Product Governance, PRIMIS
Our Terms of Reference:
Inclusion & Diversity Forum
Elaenore Fom BSc (Hons) AssocRICS Operational Surveyor, e.surv
The forum is supported by an Executive Sponsor, Debra Gardner.
The Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) Forum is a voluntary, representative body of colleagues from the LSL Group. Looking to find new ways of working together that recognise, celebrate, and respect diversity, to help create a more inclusive culture; for the benefit of our business, our people and the communities we operate in.
Our priorities:
- To continue to support the development and delivery of Group HR inclusion and diversity training;
- To increase colleague engagement and awareness of our diversity; and
- To consult on updates and the introduction of colleague policies and processes, to ensure that they promote and support inclusion and diversity.
Our Race Action Plan:
We have launched the LSL Race Action Plan, as a signatory of the Change the Race Ratio, to set out how we will recognise, celebrate and respect diversity within our businesses. It follows close liaison with forum members and our senior management team and includes commitments we have already launched in our Living Responsibly Report. We want to create a more inclusive culture – where all colleagues can thrive and where there is no discrimination – and the Plan will help us to do this. The Plan can be found here.
Our Religious Festival and Events Calendar:
We want to make everyone feel included within LSL and, as part of this, ensure colleagues can celebrate religious or cultural events that mean a lot to them. To support this the Inclusion & Diversity Forum has created a special religious festival and events calendar to highlight dates that our colleagues may want to celebrate this year. This may also help us when booking meetings or appointments with others - externally - who may recognise these events and who would prefer not to be contacted on these special dates.
The calendar focuses on the major festivals/days of observance for the six biggest religions in the UK, according to the last census, with information taken from publicly available information. We know, however, that we may have missed some and would welcome any suggested dates to add. Simply email our I&D Chair, Elaenore Fom, via with any dates you suggest.
The calendar can be found here.
Our Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) Calendar:
The Inclusion and Diversity Forum has created a special I&D Calendar, with the support of the LSL Colleague Engagement Forum and LSL Communities Forum, to help us mark significant days and holidays for colleagues.
The calendar will be updated as more dates become known and is available here.
Please feel free to share your ideas and thoughts via Elaenore at
Latest news:
World Childless Week; 16 – 22 September 2024.
To demonstrate its commitment to make all colleagues within LSL feel included, no matter what their personal circumstances, the Inclusion & Diversity Forum is supporting World Childless Week.
The event aims to raise awareness of the childless not by choice (cnbc) community and enable every childless person to share their story with confidence.
The idea to celebrate it came from an LSL colleague. In support the Forum is making information available across the LSL Group as well as highlighting the experiences of one childless couple to provide valuable insight into what has helped them - and how others might learn from this.
By raising awareness of the event the Forum hopes to encourage more inclusive discussion, provide support for those who are grieving childlessness or who may feel excluded – it’s part of its ongoing aim to help create a more inclusive culture within LSL – for the benefit of our business, our people and the communities we operate in.
Congratulations Joanna
The Inclusion & Diversity Forum is delighted to announce the appointment of Joanna Purdy as our new Deputy Chair following an internal request for applications. Joanna has worked within LSL for nearly three years and is looking forward to working with fellow forum members and more collaboratively with colleagues to drive inclusion and diversity across the Group; drawing on her personal and professional experiences to do this.
We wish Joanna every success as she takes on this important role to help us recognise, celebrate and respect diversity within LSL – and create a more inclusive culture. Congratulations Joanna.
Joanna replaces Kam Toora who, after two years, decided to step down from the role yet will continue to play an active role as a forum member and Ambassador for the Cultural Voices Network. We thank Kam for all his hard work as Deputy Chair and for his ongoing commitment and contribution to the forum.
International Women’s Day
Recently LSL colleagues celebrated International Women’s Day. They were encouraged by the Inclusion & Diversity Forum (and our Gender Voices network) to support this year’s theme to Inspire Inclusion and there was also a great focus on the day by our financial services brand, PRIMIS. They interviewed some key women across the business and, amongst other questions, asked what inclusion means to them and how it feels to operate in such a male dominated industry. You can read the blog here.
Overall, the day provided a great opportunity for colleagues to share their thoughts on inclusion and for the forum to continue to create a more inclusive culture within the Group – where everyone can thrive.
Welcome to Elaenore
We are delighted to welcome our new Chair, Elaenore Fom, following an internal request for applications for the role.
Elaenore has been a very active member of the forum since its inception; contributing significantly to the forum’s discussion and more recently establishing herself as the Co-Chair of LSL Culture Voices, alongside fellow forum member, Kam Toora.
We offer Elaenore our sincere congratulations and wish her every success in this important and exciting role.
Elaenore commented: “'I am very honoured to pick up the baton and continue the hard work and commitment of our previous Chair and forum members. I look forward to working with the different parts of the business and making a positive impact.'
LSL Voices launch, with colleague webinar
The official launch of LSL Voices, our Colleague Networks, was celebrated recently with a special webinar that colleagues from across the Group attended.
Kevin Keane, the Chair of the Inclusion & Diversity Forum, highlighted how colleague conversations have already led to positive changes within LSL. It was also explained how LSL Voices will work and the benefits they are expected to bring; all helping us to build an inclusive culture where colleagues are supported to thrive.
A great event, with thought provoking conversation, and the anticipation of much more to come in the future.
Inclusion & Diversity Training
Members of the Inclusion & Diversity Forum have worked in close collaboration with the LSL HR Team to create some inspiring Inclusion & Diversity training modules with the help of a specialist training provider.
Colleagues are now actively using them to gain a better understanding of the importance of inclusion and diversity in the workplace – with more modules being released soon. It’s all part of our Living Responsibly Strategy to promote inclusion and diversity in our workforce
Our Forum members:
- Alex Beckett – 2nd Line Support Engineer, PRIMIS
Alexandra Ferran - Marketing Executive, PRIMIS
- Elaenore Fom - Operational Surveyor, e.surv
- Karen Kent - Technical Partner Learning & Development, e.surv
- Anjli Kotak - Operations Manager, e.surv
- Kerry Love – Office Manager, PRIMIS
- Melanie Maltby - PR & Communications Manager, LSL
- Joanna Purdy - Senior Area Supervision Manager, PRIMIS
- Shane Ross - Head of Risk & Audit, e.surv
Rinku Shukla, Brand Manager, LSL Land & New Homes
- Daniel Wraith - Head of Product Governance, PRIMIS